

This world has just 30% of land, which contains many other land-forms and one among them are the “FORESTS”;the homeland for all wild animals. I think this land-form is nature’s one of the best creation among all!

Forests are filled with its own beauty even though we think that because of its deepness it maybe a very silent quite or boring place but actually it is filled with its own sounds and noises created by the singing birds ,animals etc. Its actually an another world in its own which is completely different and far away from our busy and selfish world but unfortunately because Of our carelessness and selfishness we have totally blotted out from our mind that there are many other worlds and most land-forms besides ours, that we destroyed and still are, just for our comfort and erhaps money without which we are nothing but a ‘human being’. And now we have erased this from our minds that besides money and our luxury there is a thing called ‘humanity’. Because of the lack of humanity we destroyed nature’s most of the creations and among them are the forests too. We have forgotten about the animals living there and the trees that we cut every single day from these marvelous worlds- ‘Forests’.

Because of these destruction everything is badly affected, like our environment is affected. It also has an adverse affect on every living thing. Because of cutting of the trees, we are landing our own selves in a worst situation, which we are going to face in future and this not a question ‘if’ we are going to face a worst situation but is a question ‘when’. We don’t only destroy ourselves and our coming generation but also destroy many animals and their coming generations too, which have a very important role in our lives though we don’t realize or feel but they are
really valuable for us!
Because of deforestation wild animals have to come to the cities and towns with a result many people lose their lives. And unfortunately a time will come when their will be no homeland for animals because of us and have to come in our cities, towns, villages and in many more places which are not meant for their living and can cause a serious
concern for both themselves and ourselves.
Nature has equally distributed the land for humans and animals,but we selfish humans only think of ourselves not of any-other and indirectly because of our selfishness we caused damage and are creating problems for animals, ourselves and the rest of the universe.!

Article wrote about ‘Forests’.





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